Technical Information



The Hydrakai products are in the form of a bead designed to work with seed drills. It can also be broadcast and tilled/power-harrowed into the soil. Application rate is 100kgs per hectare, or 40kgs per acre.

Ideally, the product needs to be 65-85mm into the soil for maximum efficiency once the Hydrakai’s in the soil, it will absorb moisture from rainfall and hold that moisture in the soil. It’s this moisture barrier and the minerals and elements in the Hydrakai that create the environment for the plant to grow.

It needs to be stored in a dry location and comes in 40kgs bags (and 500kg bags in the future).

Hydrakai application

Hydrakai application

Hydrakai has been designed to be applied directly with the seed via the seed drill at planting

It’s a once-a-year application when planting crops. No additional nutrients are required or advised after planting. Hydrakai needs time to establish a moisture barrier in the soil and get the process of mycelium and microbe growth going. Too much added nutrient can hinder this process.

Hydrakai doesn’t get used up by the plant, it stays in the soil and makes an environment in which mycelium and microbes flourish. It’s these conditions that stimulates the plant to grow a larger root system, and become a strong healthy plant.

Root mycelium

Root mycelium

Hydrakai is designed to stimulate the production of micro organism’s and mycelium in the soil.

Soil is supposed to be made up of 30% mycelium, however these levels have declined over decades of intensive farming to the point where many farms are now left with very low levels.

The mycelium binds to the plant’s root system and increases its effectiveness in a symbiotic relationship where the plant feeds the mycelium carbohydrates, and the mycelium enhances the plant’s ability to uptake water and nutrients from the soil. This millennia long relationship is the key to strong healthy plants that produce natural insect defenses, quality flavors and high yields.

Healthy Soil

Healthy Soil

Healthy soil grows robust plants that can better withstand adverse weather events, insect attacks and pathogens.

Hydrakai was designed over 20 years specifically to make your soil healthy. It does this by adding a significant moisture layer into the soil. This layer keeps the moisture, compactness and temperature constant. It’s this environment combined with the slow release over 400 days of the minerals and elements in the Hydrakai that promotes the growth of Mycelium and microorganism’s.

Once you have Mycelium and microbes back in the soil, worms will thrive, the plant will grow a larger root system down into this newly healthy soil, the nutrients already in the soil from decades of intensive farming will become available via the mycelium, and your plants will thrive.

Organic Material in the soil

Organic Material in the soil

Organic material in the soil can hold 200 times its weight in moisture in the soil.

Hydrakai creates conditions for plants to grow larger and more healthy root systems. Retain more organic material in the soil post harvest. Once the crop is harvested and waste material is left behind or the root system is left in the ground from above ground crops, the organic material becomes food for the thriving sub soil to rejuvenate the soil. The larger the root system, the more organic material is left, and the more moisture will be retained. This adds to the good work that Hydrakai does in your soil.

White Radish growth with Hydrakai
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White Radish growth with Hydrakai

Here is a study with white radish grown in India thats using Hydrakai vs traditional farming practice.

The study shows a 25% increase in yield, and a reduced time peroid to harvest from 44 days to 32 days approximately.

It also shows a reduction in cost as no Urea or phosphate was used in each crop, instead Hydrakai was used one time per year.

Coriander growth with Hydrakai
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Coriander growth with Hydrakai

Here is a study with Coriander grown in India thats using Hydrakai vs traditional farming practice.

The study shows a 25% increase in yield, and a reduced time peroid to harvest from 90 days to 45 days approximately.

It also shows a reduction in cost as no Urea or phosphate was used in each crop, instead Hydrakai was used one time per year.

Material data safety sheet

Material Safety Data Sheet

You can download the “Material Safety Data” sheet here open the PDF document

Nutritional improvement
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Nutritional improvement

Independent testing has verified that a crop grown with Hydrakai can also gain improvements in nutritional value.

Farelabs where contracted to test the nutritional value of the Coriander leaves that where grown with Hydrakai vs leaves grown with traditional farming practices.

Everything is higher in the leaves grown with Hydrakai, Energy, protein, Carbohydrates, Sugar, Fat and Sodium

You can see in the lab report that the Coriander grown with Hydrakai is ahead in all aspects. This is because the plant is growing in Healthy soil and has symbiotic relationship with the mycelium and microbes in the soil to generate a healthy root system, and a healthy plant.

Observed Yield Increases
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Observed Yield Increases

The table below is from testing undertaken during trials in an arid area in the Middle East.

Individual results may vary based on your soil types, rainfall and topology but it does showcase how well Hydrakai performs in the areas where these tests have been undertaken.